The Webinar from 18.03.2024 Sportsbox AI 3D

Educational summary of Dr. Phil Cheetham & Ryan Crawley explain How to Pinpoint Speed Leaks and Predict Speed Potential. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricate methods employed to identify speed leaks in golf swings and predict potential speed improvements. Utilizing advanced 3D analysis techniques, the video provides valuable insights for coaches and players alike.

Here are the key points:

  • Speed Leaks: The concept revolves around detecting areas in a golfer's swing where speed could be lost. This involves a thorough examination of various swing components to ensure accuracy and usefulness for enhancing performance.
  • Rotational Range of Motion: Divided into sections like pelvic and chest rotation, these metrics are pivotal in understanding how a golfer can optimize swing speed by maximizing rotational flexibility and strength.
  • Rotational Speed: Highlights the importance of the sequential acceleration and deceleration of body segments (pelvis, chest, arms, and club), emphasizing the kinematic sequence for optimal energy transfer and increased club head speed.
  • Vertical Motion: Discusses how vertical movements of the pelvis (dropping and lifting) contribute to the power of the swing. Significant correlations between the pelvis lift into impact and club head speed are underscored.
  • Release Characteristics: Examines wrist angles and the timing of club release, indicating that maintaining optimal wrist angles until just before impact can significantly enhance swing speed.
  • Linear Regression Analysis: Offers insights into predicting potential speed increases by adjusting certain swing parameters, providing golfers with targeted goals for improvement.
  • Practical Application: The video transitions from theory to practical application, demonstrating how these concepts can be applied to real-world coaching scenarios. It stresses the importance of a personalized approach, recognizing that speed gains might not always align with a player's overall strategy or physical capabilities.

Insights Based on Numbers:

  • Pelvis rotation speeds at 391 degrees per second are notably low, placing a golfer in the lower percentile in comparison to professional standards. This indicates a significant area for potential improvement.
  • A detailed analysis of wrist angles reveals that holding the lead wrist angle longer into the downswing correlates with higher swing speeds, offering a clear target for technique refinement.

Example Exploratory Questions:

  1. How can a golfer effectively increase their rotational speed without risking injury?
  2. What specific drills can help a golfer enhance their vertical motion to boost club head speed?
  3. In what ways can golfers adjust their wrist angles to maintain optimal lag throughout the swing?

For a deeper understanding of these techniques and their applications, consider exploring the full Webinar. This analysis only scratches the surface of the rich insights available, and further exploration can provide golfers and coaches with actionable strategies for performance enhancement.

Feel free to ask more detailed questions or request analysis of the next section to continue uncovering the secrets to unlocking speed potential in golf swings.

The second section of the video further explores the analytical approaches and practical strategies for identifying speed leaks in golf swings, with a special focus on pelvis movement, sway gap analysis, and how these factors can significantly influence the overall speed and efficiency of a golf swing.


Here are the main insights:

  • Pelvis Speed and Sway Gap: An in-depth analysis showed that a large sway gap, specifically a negative sway gap greater than 2.5 inches, is often correlated with lower pelvis turn speeds. This finding suggests that minimizing sway gap could be an effective strategy for increasing pelvis speed, thereby improving swing speed.
  • Practical Application and Case Studies: Through various case studies, the video demonstrates how players have been analyzed and adjusted to reduce their sway gap, leading to measurable improvements in swing speed. For instance, adjustments made to one player’s pivot reduced his sway gap, which directly correlated with an increase in swing speed from 109 to 114 mph.

Insights Based on Numbers:

  • Players with a sway gap of -2.5 inches or more tended to have lower pelvis turn speeds, indicating potential areas for improvement.
  • A notable case was a player who, despite being in high percentiles for pelvis and chest speed, showed a significant drop in shaft speed, pinpointing a need for improvement in transferring speed along the kinematic chain.

Adjustment Strategies: 

  • The Webinar provides practical examples of how technical adjustments, focusing on reducing sway gap and enhancing pelvis reentry, can lead to significant improvements in swing speed. This involves a comprehensive approach that includes swing analysis, technical adjustments, and possibly strength training to support the physical demands of the swing.
  • Feedback and Research: Emphasizing the importance of feedback and ongoing research, the presentation concludes with a Q&A session, addressing queries related to the application of these findings in coaching and player development.

Example Exploratory Questions:

  1. How does reducing sway gap directly impact swing speed and efficiency?
  2. What specific exercises or drills can players undertake to improve pelvis turn speed and reduce sway gap?
  3. How can coaches effectively use this analysis to tailor training programs for their players?

This Webinar segment underlines the importance of detailed biomechanical analysis in identifying and correcting speed leaks in golf swings. By focusing on key metrics such as sway gap and pelvis speed, coaches and players can unlock significant improvements in performance.

For more insights and detailed analysis, viewing the complete Webinar is highly recommended. This resource is invaluable for those seeking to enhance their understanding and application of advanced swing analysis techniques.

If you have any more questions or seek further clarification on any points discussed in the webinar or a demo of the Sportsbox AI 3D Teaching System, feel free to ask.